“Hope For The Best…?”
Is this how you want the new president of the greatest country in the world to continue addressing the nation…?

Dear friend,
The United States of America, as we know it, is on the verge of war…
The devastating hurricane that hit us last year will seem like child’s play compared to what’s coming…
What’s more intriguing is that Obama found out about Matthew weeks before it happened and chose to do nothing…
When Matthew hit on the 28th of September, the devastation was far worse than he predicted, and it was too late to do anything…
What's more outrageous is that it’s not the first time he took this path…
Unofficial sources inside the White House provided hard evidence that Obama knew about a secret deal put in motion over a decade ago which would ultimately change the course of history…
And, again, he chose to do nothing about it…

Moreover, this secret has been passed on by Bush to Obama and recently to Trump... But we’re still being kept in the dark on it…
This secret deal is far more dangerous that any present armed conflict…
It’s a sinister pact between The White House and high ranking Vatican officials... and it's about to reach its terms in the near future with devastating consequences…

Hidden investigations revealed that the core of this devilish pact is one of Nostradamus’ long lost books that never reached the public...
This book is the best guarded secret of the 21st century and it contains crucial information on horrible events that already happened, and, more important, on America’s morbid destiny...
It was discovered by a stroke of luck in the Holy Country's archives and its content predicted all of history's turning points...

It holds the answers to many questions that have already been answered, but also to questions we haven't asked yet…
Actually... the predictions inside this dark secret reveal that The United States will be hit by something bigger than hurricane Matthew, bigger than the great tsunami that brought Japan to its knees with over 15,000 deaths and 1.1 million leveled buildings, bigger even than the 9.1 magnitude earthquake that hit Indonesia.
It will be worse than that... But this time the chaos will be man-made…
America as we know it will cease to exist… Mayhem, famine, diseases and death will hit all levels of society and will spread like cancer…

Don’t think for a second you’re prepared for the dark future that awaits us all…
But if you stick with me until the end of this presentation, you’ll learn everything about this shocking truth written centuries ago…
You’ll be one of the few who will know what’s going to happen and how to survive it…
Before disclosing the much needed information, please give me the chance to tell you who Nostradamus was and why his predictions are so important for you and everyone around you…
For centuries, people from all walks of life have read and interpreted his works... Historians, scholars, even scientists have been stunned of how accurate his prophecies were...

It's a known fact that time after time Nostradamus predicted the rise and fall of nations, empires and economic super powers…
But his darkest prophecy has yet to come true. Historians say it's the most feared and it means the beginning of the end for all of us... And scientists backed up their claims with hard evidence...
All these can be found in the book.
Therefore, before going any further, I must warn you:
What you are about to hear is deeply disturbing…
Because the dots that this presentation connects will send shivers down your spine with no turning back once you've heard them.
And once you'll see the evidence on this great unavoidable ruination, it will simply be impossible for you to go about your daily life like you used to, before knowing the truth...
In all human history no other prophet has so accurately predicted turning point international events:
Here are just few of his prophecies, written in 1555, that have already come true:
“The blood of the just will be demanded of London,
Burnt by the fire in the year 66″
- The Great Fire of London from Sunday, 2 September to Wednesday, 5 September 1666
That's 111 years before it happened. Historians say it's one of the most accurate prophecies ever told and no other prophet has predicted such a devastating event ever since.
“From the depths of the West of Europe,
A young child will be born of poor people,
He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop;
His fame will increase towards the realm of the East.”
On April 20th, 1889 Hitler was born in Western Europe, from very poor parents. "By his tongue", with manipulative oratory skills, Hitler led Germany to action in the years following WWI.
“Near the gates and within the cities
there will be two scourges the like of which was never seen,
famine within plague, people put out by steel,
crying to the great immortal God for relief.”
Nostradamus wrote about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that led to death, hunger and unprecedented destruction...
And there are many others...
Yet you must understand, the visions he had could not be explained using the vocabulary of the time and he simply described them the best he could…
Key individuals around the world, who deciphered his unpublished works, were forced to keep it under the hat… hiding the true meaning of the forthcoming events that will shake us all...
These are visions written over 5 centuries ago, carefully hidden by Nostradamus himself behind his words…
His prophecies predicted Obama's victory in 2013 as the first black president but few know Nostradamus also predicted the fall of America by the end of this year due to a power no nation or alliance, be it military or economic, can withstand…
It will hit America at its core and will send us all back into the dark ages…
And I'll show you exactly why this knowledge is a closely guarded secret and I’ll reveal the signs that show just how close we are to this dark prophecy coming true…
The threat comes from an enemy hidden in plain sight that has yet to show its true strength, but will not hesitate to crush anyone who stands against it, no matter how powerful or how technologically advanced…
Yet, before revealing and explaining all these startling secrets, let me introduce myself.
My name is John Stone. I'm a 65 year old historian from Wichita, Kansas, and for the last 20 years I've been studying ancient and contemporary prophecies and I’ve witnessed countless revelations that most people are unaware of…
So, after hearing the shocking rumors inside the White House I decided to go to the Vatican and dig deeper into this mystery…
In my quest through the dusty books of the Vatican library, I found the writings of an Italian journalist who stumbled upon an unusual find, The Lost Book of Nostradamus, dated 1629.
Old historians talked about its existence, yet no one knew anything about its contents…
And while reading through the journalist's notes, I stumbled over a unique quatrain taken from that very book:
Earth-shaking fire from the center of the Earth.
Will cause the towers around the New City to shake,
Two great rocks for a long time will make war,
And then Arethusa will color a new river red.
- Charles Nostradamus
After months of hard, mind-bending work, I managed to decipher the true meaning of his words...
“The towers of the New City shake”
11.09.2001 - the darkest day in American history, YET!

Why would the great Nostradamus himself preach this historical turning point in the "New (YORK) City" as the beginning of the end of times?
It's the day America was brought down to its knees by Al-Qaeda leader, Osama bin Laden. But that was only the beginning. A series of attacks against America have followed since and in the current geopolitical conditions - the war on Iraq, the war on ISIS, the Ukrainian war, the constant terrorist attacks - it’s obvious we're living in an unstable world that seems to teeter on the edge of complete chaos.
“Two great rocks for a long time will make war”
Besides the U.S., the greatest power on Earth, there is one other nation that has been rising for some years both economically and military and threatens our safety…
What country has recently started its violent expansion? What country has the military and economic power to spread chaos?
It's greater than ISIS, Al-Qaeda, China, Iran, Iraq, all together. It's the biggest country on Earth, ruled by the most feared head-of-state the history has ever seen: Russia with its dreadful leader, Vladimir Putin.

It's Russia and all ancient prophecies are pointing in that direction.
The war we are on the verge of is foretold even by the HOLY BIBLE: "Think not that I come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword: Matthew 10:34" - Who else has sent "SWORDS" into Ukraine and Syria if not Putin himself? And, again, it's only the beginning…
“And then Arethusa will color a new river red”
Arethusa, in Ancient Greek, means "the waterer". The red river is the blood of our brave American soldiers that will die defending the country we all love.
"Earth-shaking fire from the center of the Earth."
But how will Putin strike using the force of water? The world has already seen the sheer force nature can unravel. Countless floods, hurricanes, acid rains, earthquakes and more, have struck our beloved country time after time...
It may seem we are at Mother Nature's mercy.
Again, to understand this apocalyptic message we need to look back into the past…
The day is 11th of March, 2011. Japan - Eastern Coast. 14:46 local time.
The disaster alarms start to howl. A huge tsunami can be seen rushing to shore as it darkens the horizon. All hell breaks loose over the shoreline as the giant water wall hits land at heights of 133 feet.

The water falls down as a wall of bricks leveling everything in its path.
The aftermath: 15,893 deaths, 2,572 people missing, 1,148,067 buildings wiped out... and probably the most important property damage - the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant…
All headlines read: "The force of nature". But key individuals are running the media as skillful puppeteers to their own interest and are waist-deep in this massive cover up…
You might be tempted to believe this "force of nature" nonsense. But, in light of recent discoveries, things tend to look more like SCI-FI flicks, because every piece of information here can be backed up by cold hard evidence.
Investigations revealed that 2 days before the 2011 tsunami, American satellites spotted massive activity in the South-Eastern Russian city of Vladivostok (which translates to "the town of Vladimir"), and some sources stated that they were related with the killer wave.
Top experts analyzed the data after the tsunami and went on file, without doubt, that what caused it was not natural, but of HUMAN ORIGIN.
And before word broke out of their discovery they were silenced along with their results…
This controversial piece of information never reached the public. If it did, it would have probably meant WWIII... as China would have declared war to whoever was responsible.
So... one of history's most devastating events was actually man-made. And the purpose for such actions lies in the blue eyed former KGB agent who started his world conquer campaign from the very first day he took control of Russia.
Actually, Russia's military budget has tripled since Putin won the elections in 2012. Hidden investigations revealed massive investments in 2 key points on Russian territory…
The first base Putin set his eyes on was Vladivostok. Besides this city, which is actually a military base, Putin has been pouring cash into another secret army headquarter: His second key point for worldwide campaigns is located in the Eastern part of the country, in Khabarovsk, where he built high tech military camps.

While the media has been covering only the European and Syrian theatre with Russia, Putin has been investing in this secret operation and is planning on activating this cell to fulfill his master plan that will lead to a disaster of biblical proportions.
Listen to Brooks Agnew, earth tomographer, explaining this cutting edge technology:
This is the exact technology Putin developed to build a weapon of mass destruction in Khabarovsk.
The first time Putin tested this technology was on March 11th, 2011, and caused a huge tsunami…
Hurricane Matthew started forming on September 25th, when satellite footage showed increased activity in Khabarovsk…
It is clear that Russia is preparing to take over the world and Japan's tsunami and hurricane Matthew were mere tests…
Using this technology, he can strike the U.S. from afar and won’t even be traced. We won't know what hit us. The American government is not prepared for such events... but you can be...
The aftermath of such a strike will be far worse than Japan when it hits us at full throttle... And it can take any form... from earthquakes, to hurricanes, wild fires or even permanent blackouts!

So... how will the upcoming collapse start?
First, the healthcare system which is already on its knees... with less and less personnel and less and less funds, will be overflowed no matter the disaster type…
Your local hospital will be beds-full from the first day... and the staff won't be able to help you or your loved ones…
During Katrina for instance, non-threatening illnesses turned deadly because of lack of personnel, supplies and medicine...
Actually, the hospitals are barely prepared for the patients they get daily…
Next to fall will be the transportation system. You won't be able to travel to safe locations to provide food or shelter... the much needed medical supplies won't be delivered and drug stores will be emptied in minutes.
That's not the even the worst part.
You can say goodbye to telecommunications, utilities and running water…
Disease will spread like wildfire and death and destruction will hit the streets. America's finest won't be able to help anyone (they barely do it now)... And as the great Nostradamus predicted, America will be covered in "rivers of blood”…
After learning the gruesome truth about what's heading our way I decided I had to be prepared... Not just for me, but also for my loved ones around me.
But I had no idea how to do it... I had no clue as to what I should do when the prophecy comes true and all our worst nightmares become a reality...
So I took it one step at a time. First I went online, searching for my best option... but to no avail. There are literally hundreds of books and so called guides that "prepare" you for "the worst". The problem was... I wasn't searching for answers on "the worst". I was looking for solutions on "the end"... and how to protect my family through what was to come.
I started reaching out to old friends... Historians... Scientists... Soldiers... Everyone I knew... and that's how I reconnected with my old high-school buddy Andy, a retired special ops Gulf War veteran.
I invited him over and told him about my discoveries under the oath he wouldn't tell a living soul what he was about to hear.
To my surprise he already knew... The same rumors reached his ears through army ranks. He didn't know if it was for real or not... But nonetheless he was getting ready for the looming catastrophe. My telling him about my findings only cemented his beliefs.
I told him I was trying to find help in getting ready for the upcoming disaster. And to my amaze he not only agreed to help out, but he told me it would be a good idea to spread the word through non-official channels... That way we could lay under the radar while making this information available for true patriots that want to protect themselves and those around them.
And so it started...
It took us almost 3 years to put all his life experiences, solutions and teachings in a thick step-by-step guide-book for anyone to follow... whether a trained martial arts expert, 3 tours veteran or 70 y.o. retiree, anyone, and I mean anyone can survive ANYTHING life, Mother Nature or Putin could throw at us.
We called it the Final Survival Plan...

This life-saving book will turn you not just into a survivor, but a LEADER in the troubled times ahead.
What follows is just a small taste of what’s included in this package.
- The crucial thing people completely forget about when a flood hits. Better keep this one in mind, or you`ll curse the day you ignored this important reminder.
- How to do a full flood-proof home reconfiguration in just one weekend. It`s easy and fun, your house will look better than ever (I promise!) and it will save your family`s life…
- How to create a perfect safety zone against wildfires… all around your own home. NO, you don`t need to dig a trench and fill it with water. It`s something much more practical… and very nice to look at, too.
- A full 15-page plan for tornados and hurricanes that shows you EVERYTHING you need to survive these disasters.
- How to watch for terrorism „Red Flags” on a plane, in a bus, on a train or on the streets of your own neighborhood. No matter how good a terrorist tries to hide his true nature, these signs will always give him away.
- How to turn your home into a rock-solid atomic shelter without ruining it… but making it look even better!
- The exact position you need to take if you`re outside during a nuclear blast. Remember: one small move may turn you into a direct target, so pay attention to this one! You`ll find it on page 139.
This is just a sneak peek into Andy's life experience and teachings that we documented and laid in writing over the years in the Final Survival Plan.
And by now, you're probably thinking about the price...
This is the most difficult thing we had to do... Actually, accesing the Vatican's library was way easier than making this here decision. Even so, from the moment we first set out to making this comprehensive step-by-step "end-of-time" survival guide, a lot has been spent... A huge amount of time, tons in bribe money and the research and testing investment.
But all that doesn't matter now. We are here to make this work for all of us...
Think about it... It's a life saving piece of information... One that will make the difference between starving and being fed... safety and imminent danger... and even life or death!
So no one could really put a real price on it...
Considering the implications, It would be a steal even at $1000. But as you already know, we are not in this for the money. This is something that every true patriot and true believer should know.
This will ensure your children will be safe, well fed and most importantly, ALIVE... while others are forced to rummage through the trash like dogs in the street... or worse...
In fact, this Amazing life-saving book will teach you...
- How to create the most reliable communication plan for your family in case of a bio attack… and stay united even when social chaos is ravaging the whole town and you`re miles away from each other.
- 14 day to day habits that keep your family out of danger, even in times of social chaos (like the ones we`re about to face). Best part: you don`t need to change your lifestyle, they`re just small changes that will come naturally really fast.
- The 10 rules of rock solid doors and locks. It all starts with a good lock… but it ends in surprising ways. Discover how to make your door bullet-proof on page 81.
Maybe most importantly...
- How to fortify your home`s weakest spots and build yourself an invisible fortress only you know about... practically immune from major weather disasters and home invasion so you can sleep soundly no matter what’s going outside.
And if you're worried food will be scarce through the ordeal we're about to face... then you won't have to worry anymore, because you'll know...
- The food item that`s good for cooking, cleaning, sanitizing, deodorizing and treating different ailments.
- Four special storage methods you might have never used before. Not many people use them, but once you know the tricks, it can work miracles on your stockpile! I`ve used them all, and in most cases they are much more efficient than any other traditional method.
- How to eat WELL… I’m talking COOKIES, milk and brownies, even while your society’s infrastructure is collapsing around you.
Not only that... but you'll also be 100% covered when faced with medical emergencies with...
- The Miracle Workers – those amazing remedies nature provides that can prevent and heal a great number of illnesses… Diabetes, infections, stomach burns… or even relieve pain and swelling or boost your immune system.
- And The one dirt-cheap natural remedy that can treat almost ANY health problem: bug bites, stings or burns, acid reflux and digestion problems. Also, it helps draw out the poison (if you`re bitten by a poisonous animal), reduces swelling and pain and detoxifies the body.
- How to turn the filthiest puddle into crystal clear water, without having to boil it. This will be very helpful, as tap water usually gets dirty after a disaster (just like it happened after Sandy) and with the power down, it can get very difficult to boil large quantities of water...
- How to keep your heat, air conditioner, refrigerators and lights all running smoothly even if the grid collapsed WITHOUT spending a fortune on generators.
And a lot more!
That's why we're only asking for a fraction of what this knowledge packed book is truly worth.
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And if you think about it... It's not really much of a cost at all, when you consider that in a crisis this information can be worth 10s of thousands of dollars.
Honestly, you could have people paying you in food, shelter, silver, or anything you need, for just ONE of these secrets that helps them survive.
But as you may have already figured out, we’re not in this for the money.
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Tomorrow may already be too late!
Only $37
You’ll have to act fast. Even as you’re watching this presentation, the "End-of-days" catastrophe Nostradamus predicted is closing in on us. Not only that, but if the parts that signed the "secret deal" find out we've been leaking this information out to the public, they'll make sure you’ll probably never hear about our Final Survival Plan ever again...
They won't allow anyone to ruin their plans for world domination!
Now... I’ve given you all the information you need to save yourself but you must act on it BEFORE disaster strikes.
And now it’s time to decide if you’re going to jump out of this crashing plane… with or without the parachute. It's going down anyway... but will you land safely or go down with it?
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While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in our website and publication, neither the merchant nor the author assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. All products presented here are strictly for informational purposes only. Some home alteration alternatives may be illegal in your town, city, state, province or country. It is your responsibility to inquire with your local authority about how to proceed if restrictions apply. Although we have not encountered a problem, you still must consult with your local authority.